Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Don't miss the signs...

How many times has someone asked you what your calling is? Or maybe people reassure you over and over that someday God will reveal his master plan. That he will "call" you to be a missionary, teacher, doctor, preacher, youth minister, etc. One day you will know and he will make your path clear to you. So how does it work? Does he call you on the phone and tell you? Does he write a letter with your plan mapped out for you? If only it were that easy...
19 So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs." Mark 16:19-20
Yesterday I signed a contract to teach voice and choir at The Regional Bible Institute. It is a boarding school that gives Mexican girls, most who live in extreme poverty, the opportunity to go to school in Texas. It is an amazing opportunity for these young girls! I am so blessed to be a part of this growing ministry!

I was first introduced to the school in the summer of 2012, my third summer going to Mexico. We took a tour and learned more about the school in hopes that we could send some of our girls from Reynosa (now 3 attend, praise God!). During our tour we learned that each girl takes piano lessons, and some even learn how to play the guitar! Nothing was said about voice so I asked, if the girls sang. The answer was yes, but they did not have a voice teacher to have a voice program. [sign number 1] Without thinking I said, "Me!" Yes, this was a little premature and I had no idea that I would actually end up teaching there, but God knew exactly what he was doing. I let Pastor David know that I was a music education major and I would finish in two years. I knew that over those two years I would need to pray. Was this really something God was calling me to do?


March of this year I took my mom to Mexico for the first time. One night we went to the school to visit some of our girls from Reynosa who started school that year. We had dinner with the girls and after I found myself in a meeting about my future at the school. I still don't really know how it happened because this wasn't the purpose of our visit (Gloria a Dios). At the end of our meeting he asked if I would like to teach the girls a lesson that night. [sign number 2] I couldn't pass up the opportunity so I got a lesson plan together and returned that night to teach the girls. It was incredible and such a blessing! They were all so eager to learn and they were sad when I had to leave! I knew that I had some sort of future with these girls, I just didn't and still don't know exactly what it will look like. Shortly after our March visit, I began to tell parents, family, and friends that I planned to move to Texas where I could do some work at the school and be closer to Mexico. I still don't think they truly believe it is happening, but it is God willing!

Over the summer it became clearer to me that I was supposed to move and work at the school. My [sign number 3] has been the most important of all throughout these last few years. PEACE and COMFORT. I have never been so at peace in my whole life. The thought of moving excites me. The thought of getting to teach voice and choir to girls who otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity thrills me beyond belief. I still am at disbelief that God chose me to invest in these girls. Me. Of course I am anxious at times and nervous about the journey, but God has given me such comfort and an amazing boyfriend, friends, and family who have the same heart for Mexico. I can't express my thankfulness enough for the little signs God has shown me over the years. There are so many more!
Jonah and I with some of our girls.

Mom and Sylvia.

Dad, Lisa, and I with a family dear to our hearts!

My most recent visit to the school I made on my own. I met with the girls and we worked on a song they had been singing. The greatest part though, was talking to them. We talked about the next year and I asked what they wanted to learn and what they were excited about. They have so many dreams and ambitions! Some said they want to sing higher, while others really want vibrato and to "sound like an opera singer." I can't wait to be a consistent presence in their lives, sharing God's gift of singing!


So yesterday, I signed a contract saying YES to God! He gave me the signs and I listened. Don't be afraid of what God has in store. Be patient and pay attention to the signs God gives along the way. Especially the signs of peace and comfort. Those have been the most confirming of all!



Please be in prayer for me, the girls, and Mexico as I begin to seek sponsorship at the start of the year. If any of you would like more information on what you can do to help, let me know! Stay tuned for a special fundraiser for Mexico!