Thursday, December 26, 2013

Feliz Navidad! Today and everyday!

Merry Christmas! I'm a day late you say? I know I know, Christmas is technically over, but it is ever REALLY over? Of course not! We should celebrate the birth of Christ every day! I know it's not practical to seriously have Christmas every single day, with the presents and decorations and all the trimmings. We can, however, remember Christ's birth and what it meant every day. Don't be sad that Christmas is over, but continue to rejoice the life of Christ each day of the year. Remember the beautiful faces of friends and family you may not see often. I see Jesus in every smile. Family for me is many different things: most represented below, and I pray you are all blessed to have friends and family to rejoice with throughout the year and that you can see Jesus in them. Most importantly, can they see Jesus in you?
So, yes, Merry Christmas today and everyday! Jesus wasn't only close to us yesterday, on his birthday. That's the awesome thing about him, he's always here in each one of us!  


"For unto us a child is born! A son is given!"


Saturday, December 14, 2013

"Rest in me, my child..."

For all you "Jesus Calling" lovers out there: you should know exactly what I'm talking about. How is it that this daily devotion is ALWAYS speaking right to me? The best answer I have is that its author has based each day from scripture, and scripture IS speaking to each and every one of us. For those of you who don't own "Jesus Calling" or do and haven't read today's yet, I'd like to share a little bit of the message:
"REST IN ME, MY CHILD, forgetting about the worries of the world. Focus on Me-- Emmanuel-- and let My living Presence envelop you in Peace. Tune in to My eternal security, for I am the same yesterday, today and forever... Hold my hand in deliberate dependence on Me, and I will smooth out the path before you."
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8
 REST: verb

1. to refresh oneself, as by sleeping, lying down, or relaxing.
2. to relieve weariness by cessation of exertion or labor.  
3. to be at ease; have tranquillity or peace.

4. to repose in death.  
5. to be quiet or still.  
6. to cease from motion, come to rest; stop.

7. to become or remain inactive.
8. to stay as is or remain without further action or notice: to let a matter rest.   
9. to lie, sit, lean, or be set
10. Agriculture . to lie fallow or unworked: to let land rest.

11. to be imposed as a burden or responsibility

12. to rely

13. to be based or founded

14. to be found; belong; reside 

15. to be present; dwell; linger 

16. to be fixed or directed on something, as the eyes, a gaze, etc.

17. Law. to terminate voluntarily the introduction of evidence in a case.

I often think of rest as the first definition, sleep, lying down, relax, (which is what I have tried to do these past few days- post finals). Why do I say TRY? Because, I am doing it all wrong.

Rest: [relieve weariness] [be at ease] [rely] [belong] [dwell] in ME my CHILD, forgetting about the worries of the world... for I am the same yesterday, today and forever...

While in the Christmas Season, let's strive to do exactly this. Rest, be at ease, rely, belong, dwell, in your Father, because He is the one thing that will never change. He will never forsake you. HE is the one thing you can truly rely on, and HE can relieve any weariness you have this holiday season.

These past few days I have found myself trying to rest using that first definition: sleeping, lying down, and relaxing. I haven't been able to do that very well because my mind has be running with the "worries of the world". I haven't RESTED in my Father. And silly me, because He is the only one who can truly grant us rest.

So, from me to you, rather than getting caught in the hustle and bustle of shopping, etc.:
 REST in HIM, my Brothers and Sisters.
HE will take away the worries of the world, and HE will never change!
Celebrate the birth of our Savior in just 11 short days!
For your Entertainment:
When I was Mary in the church pageant, and Olivia and Rabon were Angels!
We were so cute! and so little!
Happy birthday Jesus!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Don't miss the signs...

How many times has someone asked you what your calling is? Or maybe people reassure you over and over that someday God will reveal his master plan. That he will "call" you to be a missionary, teacher, doctor, preacher, youth minister, etc. One day you will know and he will make your path clear to you. So how does it work? Does he call you on the phone and tell you? Does he write a letter with your plan mapped out for you? If only it were that easy...
19 So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs." Mark 16:19-20
Yesterday I signed a contract to teach voice and choir at The Regional Bible Institute. It is a boarding school that gives Mexican girls, most who live in extreme poverty, the opportunity to go to school in Texas. It is an amazing opportunity for these young girls! I am so blessed to be a part of this growing ministry!

I was first introduced to the school in the summer of 2012, my third summer going to Mexico. We took a tour and learned more about the school in hopes that we could send some of our girls from Reynosa (now 3 attend, praise God!). During our tour we learned that each girl takes piano lessons, and some even learn how to play the guitar! Nothing was said about voice so I asked, if the girls sang. The answer was yes, but they did not have a voice teacher to have a voice program. [sign number 1] Without thinking I said, "Me!" Yes, this was a little premature and I had no idea that I would actually end up teaching there, but God knew exactly what he was doing. I let Pastor David know that I was a music education major and I would finish in two years. I knew that over those two years I would need to pray. Was this really something God was calling me to do?


March of this year I took my mom to Mexico for the first time. One night we went to the school to visit some of our girls from Reynosa who started school that year. We had dinner with the girls and after I found myself in a meeting about my future at the school. I still don't really know how it happened because this wasn't the purpose of our visit (Gloria a Dios). At the end of our meeting he asked if I would like to teach the girls a lesson that night. [sign number 2] I couldn't pass up the opportunity so I got a lesson plan together and returned that night to teach the girls. It was incredible and such a blessing! They were all so eager to learn and they were sad when I had to leave! I knew that I had some sort of future with these girls, I just didn't and still don't know exactly what it will look like. Shortly after our March visit, I began to tell parents, family, and friends that I planned to move to Texas where I could do some work at the school and be closer to Mexico. I still don't think they truly believe it is happening, but it is God willing!

Over the summer it became clearer to me that I was supposed to move and work at the school. My [sign number 3] has been the most important of all throughout these last few years. PEACE and COMFORT. I have never been so at peace in my whole life. The thought of moving excites me. The thought of getting to teach voice and choir to girls who otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity thrills me beyond belief. I still am at disbelief that God chose me to invest in these girls. Me. Of course I am anxious at times and nervous about the journey, but God has given me such comfort and an amazing boyfriend, friends, and family who have the same heart for Mexico. I can't express my thankfulness enough for the little signs God has shown me over the years. There are so many more!
Jonah and I with some of our girls.

Mom and Sylvia.

Dad, Lisa, and I with a family dear to our hearts!

My most recent visit to the school I made on my own. I met with the girls and we worked on a song they had been singing. The greatest part though, was talking to them. We talked about the next year and I asked what they wanted to learn and what they were excited about. They have so many dreams and ambitions! Some said they want to sing higher, while others really want vibrato and to "sound like an opera singer." I can't wait to be a consistent presence in their lives, sharing God's gift of singing!


So yesterday, I signed a contract saying YES to God! He gave me the signs and I listened. Don't be afraid of what God has in store. Be patient and pay attention to the signs God gives along the way. Especially the signs of peace and comfort. Those have been the most confirming of all!



Please be in prayer for me, the girls, and Mexico as I begin to seek sponsorship at the start of the year. If any of you would like more information on what you can do to help, let me know! Stay tuned for a special fundraiser for Mexico!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Feliz Dia Del Pavo

I honestly think that I could write a novel about our week in Mexico, but I want you to actually read the whole thing so I've narrowed it down to five precious moments. [this was so hard to do]

Yanet, Paola, Dulce, Vanessa, Ana Caren

  • Church with this precious family on Sunday. Yanet is one of the most inspiring women I know. She is so passionate about her faith and saturates her family in the word daily. They attend a little blue church down the road every Sunday and a worship meeting every Tuesday. Jonah and I attended both with them and we were greatly humbled. As we sat in a one-room, un-insulated church bundled up in much less than our Sunday best, I wondered if we would still show up for church in those conditions.  When it came time for the offering, I found myself a little surprised. Would anyone have anything to give? I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked down to see 5 year old Dulce holding one peso in her hand. She was glowing with excitement to put her peso in the offering plate. Not only did every child give, but every adult gave as well. We could learn so much from the people of that little blue church.

Baby Meliza Emily
  • Meliza Emily. This baby is the youngest daughter of the first family I helped build for in 2010. Until this trip, she wanted nothing to do with me. I think she was just scared of white people haha. This week was different and I felt so connected to her. She couldn't speak, but I knew she could understand everything I said. She loved taking selfies, sticking out her tongue, and finger painting on my cell phone. I've never seen eyes like hers that speak a thousand words. I hope to get to watch her grow up. She is such a blessing in my life!

Ana Caren
  • Ana Caren. I don't know where to start with this little girl. She is definitely her mother's daughter with her sweet spirit and permanent smile. I mentioned that Jonah and I went to a worship meeting with Yanet and her daughters Tuesday night. After worshipping with some beautiful people for a while we left early to go back with the group. When the meeting was over Ana Caren came to tell us about the rest of the service. She said, in Spanish of course, "After the meeting, we went by the bridge to pray and it was so beautiful!" My heart melted, absolutely melted.


  • Sylvia. She cooks for us and takes care of us, but most of all she loves us with all her heart. Sylvia has never wanted to take a picture with me so I was shocked when she came outside to find Jonah and I to come take a picture by her windows. I didn't know at the time, but she had been given new windows for her home. You can see a corner of them in the picture. She was so proud of her new windows that she was calling people over to take pictures in front of them. I love this sweet lady so much! When she asked when we would return and we said maybe not until June, she replied "Esperando" {waiting}.We will be too, Sylvia, we will too. 

Singing at the House Dedication
Photo Cred: +Kerrie Williams 
  •  Dedication of the Home. I was honored to get to read verses in Spanish and sing at the house dedication. I think the whole group would agree that this building trip was so special to all of us. The family was genuinely the most grateful I have ever seen. The oldest child, Grasiela [spelling?], went up to her new room earlier that day, fell to her knees, and just cried. She was so overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude. She said, "I never could have imagined this, only God..." We were all moved to tears for this family. Keep in mind, we only build four walls with an upstairs. No insulation, no plumbing, and no electricity and the family was so happy: they couldn't stop crying. Let's keep this in mind next time we complain about the nice homes we live in. We are blessed beyond belief.

And After...

I couldn't have asked for a better group to serve with. Love you all!!


Monday, November 18, 2013

Do not be anxious... but how?

Before doing my devotion this morning I had already thought of a verse and topic to write about... some things that God has really put on my heart. Just now, I read today's Jesus Calling and the same verse appeared at the end. Wow God, are you trying to speak to me or what?
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
"Instead of trying to figure things out yourself, you can relax in the Presence of the One who knows everything. As you lean on Me in trusting dependence, you feel peaceful and complete."- Jesus Calling
This Senior year and the fall semester in particular is full of "lasts". This weekend held a few of them.
  1. Last performance with the Samford A Cappella Choir. I cried like a baby.       
  2. Read about this amazing choir! 
  3. Last Samford Homecoming. I love my Samford U!
  4. Last AOII formal. ALAM and mine, sweet sisters!
  5. Last Music Education Senior Recital- Rachel and Russell!

During these last moments of our college career, we Seniors start to get, not only super emotional {every. time.} but we become ANXIOUS. Because for the first time in our lives we don't have a clue what the next year will look like. All of us like to think that the big plans we have for ourselves are going to work out, but they may not, but God assures us that he has things planned we could never imagine for ourselves!
plans in humble attempt to follow His call to the mission field:
  • moving to a new state
  • spending a lot of time in another county
  • using my hard- earned Samford Degree for a volunteer position at this school.
  • [AKA: no benefits. no pay. no retirement.]
  • trusting that God will provide
  • trusting my current relationship will remain strong so that we will have each other to do all these scary things with   
Why would someone ever want to do this you ask? Because God chose me to go. The title of my blog and what I try to live by is the Great Commission:
I AM anxious, scared, and nervous, but also willing, obedient, and excited for what God is doing!
Where am I going? McAllen, Texas/Reynosa, Mexico to minister to and teach these beautiful people:

I can't wait to watch these girls grow!
I can't wait to teach these girls to live for Christ!
And I can't wait to serve this family and more with my best friend and boyfriend, Jonah!
While this year holds a lot of lasts, tears, and goodbyes, next year is just too exciting and unknown to NOT be anxious! So how? I pray. I pray to have an open heart and open mind during this next year. I also pray for God to be with us as our team heads to Mexico for Thanksgiving and to help us live in the here and now, making disciples for our Lord!