Monday, December 28, 2015

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año!

While we're enjoying a few weeks off in Alabama with family, We'd like to share with you all a few moments from December, our Christmas Card and our update letter! 

Jonah and Leslie
Jonah's graduation

Christmas Crafts!

Roasting marshmallows! 

Bracelets and Bible study with the girls!
Paola's Quinceañera 

"Merry Christmas!                                                                                                                                                                                                  

We’d like to start by saying thank you for your support, prayers, calls, texts, and even “likes.” We feel every bit of it and are blessed to have you all in our circle. Married life and ministry has been wonderful to say the least. This summer we worked alongside mission teams as some experienced Mexico for the first time. It’s a joy to see team members form a bond with a family or child from the colonia. God alone can create this bond, and we have seen first-hand how it can change the life of us “gringos” forever! Now that we live in McAllen and serve in Reynosa regularly, the bonds that we have formed have grown into love for our new family members across the border! 

At a Quinceañera (15th birthday party) last spring, I (Emily), observed young women who were young girls when we first met them. My heart broke to see the choices that they have made that are taking them farther away from the Lord. And so, this summer I stepped out of my comfort zone and began inviting girls to a small group. Now, I have a core group of about 8-10 girls who attend regularly. It’s been amazing to see them grow closer in their faith and in their relationship as friends. I’m so thankful for them and what I’ve learned in this journey. 

For reasons out of our control, the girls’ school was no longer an option for our students that were attending or me as a teacher. The girls who are American citizens (along with one of their brothers) now attend a private school in McAllen, TX! Along with others, it’s a privilege to help them continue their education in the US. They’re amazing kids and hard workers. I couldn’t be more proud of them and how they’ve grown.

On days that we spend in Mexico, we visit with families, learn more about their needs, and spend time with the kids. Because of the THOUSANDS of dollars you all have given, we are able to help with school costs, take over groceries, medicines, and diapers, help pay for doctor’s appointments and braces, or just bless a family that God puts on our hearts. I was talking to one of the moms the other day (she and her husband also do ministry in other parts of Mexico), She said, “It’s amazing how God works. Others give to you and Jonah, so that you can help us. Then we can help others, and then someday they can help others, too.” Your support doesn’t just impact us and the people we come in contact with, it’s spreading far and wide! How BIG is our God!

In other exciting news I (Jonah) decided to pursue a profession as an EMT and my goal is to one day be a paramedic. I graduated as an EMT Basic on December 12 and will start working soon to help provide for our family. I’ll be able spend more time with Emily in Mexico because of new skills and my work schedule. I’m also working on my Spanish, of course. For now, I hang out with the younger kids and hope to be able to lead them well as they grow into young men. 

This Christmas we celebrate the greatest gift God gave to us: His Son Jesus. 
Through grace we have been saved and it is a privilege to be able to share the gospel!

We love you all and God bless — Jonah and Emily Riley 

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Thanks for reading and praying for us!  We're so excited for what 2016 will bring! 
Check back with us next month for more updates! 

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