Monday, June 22, 2015

The Muchachas of Reynosa

I have always had a heart for teenagers, being a youth volunteer, sunday school teacher, camp counselor, etc in the last few years. This year I taught at a school of all girls and little did I know they were training me and preparing me for what was to come in Reynosa. All this semester God has put on my heart and the hearts of others to do something for the teenage girls in Reynosa. I made excuses like, school, the wedding, the language barrier, time, countless excuses. 

Until finally, I made little flyers and invited girls to an interest meeting. I went door to door inviting them to our mission house for a girls' group meeting. Honestly, I didn't expect the excitement on their faces, nor did I expect 12 to show up the first week, and almost 20 to show up the next! Get ready for this one. They arrived, not only on time, but early! If you know anything about the valley and Mexican culture, noone is on time, and definitely not early. This tells me that the girls are hungry for something. They want friends, they want community, they just needed women to lead them. 

My hope for this group is to give them a safe place to make friends that turn into sisters that they spend time with and talk to. Most importantly, my hope is that they find their identity in Christ! Not in their clothes, their friends, their looks, or their money, but in Christ. Each week we will have a Bible study, and a fun activity, and close with prayer requests and prayer. Right now we are doing prayer box prayer requests until they feel comfortable saying them out loud, it will take some time. I know God has a plan for these young women and will provide the finances and women to pour into their lives! 

Here's some pictures form the first two weeks!
Just look at those smiles! 
Happy happy heart. 

Join me in praying for these girls daily. 
1. education
2. families
3. future
4. safety

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