Wednesday, March 11, 2015


I often write down blogging ideas and always forget to do something about it. This time, I followed through! Here's a little break from wedding, and missions blogging and something God put on my heart to share this morning. 


Why do we do it? When I say we I mean Christians. Why do Christians Gossip? The Bible clearly states:
  1.  "Love your neighbor as yourself." (Mat. 22:39)
  2. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. (John 15:12)
  3.  "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mat. 5:44) 
  4. "A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends." (Prov. 16:28)
We are given Love as a command A LOT
of times in the Bible (310 KJV), and then told clearly what will happen when we gossip:
  • spread strife (synonym: conflict, antonym: peace
  • separate close friends. 
Who wants conflict over peace? Who wants to separate close friends? None of us. So why do we do it? Entertainment? To make us feel better? How many of you say "I avoid conflict at all cost." but you also gossip? (me too) Well guess what, We aren't only not avoiding it, we're creating itand spreading it, and breaking up close friends in the process! And here's the kicker: we're tainting our ministry and the spreading of the gospel. We're tainting our testimony, making it harder for others to see Christ in us. We're breaking our Father's heart. Whoa. 

Story time. 

So what stemmed all this? A male friend of mine was talking to a group of us after church the other day and started gossiping about a girl and her impurity, etc. We're all friends and Christians so it's ok to discuss these things, because well, um.... (WRONG) Just because it may never get back to that person, doesn't make it ok. Let's just say I kind of freaked out on him, I overreacted because what he was saying about her hit a little too close to home for me. I went through a lot in high school because of gossip and rumors spread about me, true and untrue, and I was angry he was doing this to that poor girl. Who knows what she was actually going through? Who knows if the rumors are true? Even if they are, why should she be torn down for it? She needs to be prayed for and lifted up and know she is loved by our Father in heaven. She should definitely not be bad-mouthed by a group of Christians who are commanded to LOVE! Needless to say, I was very upset. Fast forward a few days later and guess who was doing the trash talk? Me. What? I'm a missionary, I'm a teacher, I'm nice, I love others. Well I also am super flawed and sinful just like everyone else. Thank God for His unfailing love and grace and mercy. We don't deserve it. 

I tell this story to say, guys, I'm not perfect. We aren't perfect. We're going to mess up, but the tearing down of others has to stop. Love them, pray for them. They are hurting. How many of you judged someone and later heard their story? You felt awful didn't you? I have a secret for you: Everyone has a story.

Challenges for us this week:

  1. Catch yourself in the gossip and apologize to the person you were beginning to gossip with. 
  2. Have the courage to speak up when others start to gossip. Do it with love not judgement. 
  3. Share these two challenges with others, explaining why Biblically.
  4. Pray for God to be with us every second reminding us love our neighbors, enemies, and pray for them always. 
Some pictures I found on for wallpapers or social media:




Insta (instasize)

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