I honestly think that I could write a novel about our week in Mexico, but I want you to actually read the whole thing so I've narrowed it down to five precious moments. [this was so hard to do]
Yanet, Paola, Dulce, Vanessa, Ana Caren
- Church with this precious family on Sunday. Yanet is one of the most inspiring women I know. She is so passionate about her faith and saturates her family in the word daily. They attend a little blue church down the road every Sunday and a worship meeting every Tuesday. Jonah and I attended both with them and we were greatly humbled. As we sat in a one-room, un-insulated church bundled up in much less than our Sunday best, I wondered if we would still show up for church in those conditions. When it came time for the offering, I found myself a little surprised. Would anyone have anything to give? I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked down to see 5 year old Dulce holding one peso in her hand. She was glowing with excitement to put her peso in the offering plate. Not only did every child give, but every adult gave as well. We could learn so much from the people of that little blue church.
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Baby Meliza Emily |
- Meliza Emily. This baby is the youngest daughter of the first family I helped build for in 2010. Until this trip, she wanted nothing to do with me. I think she was just scared of white people haha. This week was different and I felt so connected to her. She couldn't speak, but I knew she could understand everything I said. She loved taking selfies, sticking out her tongue, and finger painting on my cell phone. I've never seen eyes like hers that speak a thousand words. I hope to get to watch her grow up. She is such a blessing in my life!
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Ana Caren |
- Ana Caren. I don't know where to start with this little girl. She is definitely her mother's daughter with her sweet spirit and permanent smile. I mentioned that Jonah and I went to a worship meeting with Yanet and her daughters Tuesday night. After worshipping with some beautiful people for a while we left early to go back with the group. When the meeting was over Ana Caren came to tell us about the rest of the service. She said, in Spanish of course, "After the meeting, we went by the bridge to pray and it was so beautiful!" My heart melted, absolutely melted.
Sylvia |
- Sylvia. She cooks for us and takes care of us, but most of all she loves us with all her heart. Sylvia has never wanted to take a picture with me so I was shocked when she came outside to find Jonah and I to come take a picture by her windows. I didn't know at the time, but she had been given new windows for her home. You can see a corner of them in the picture. She was so proud of her new windows that she was calling people over to take pictures in front of them. I love this sweet lady so much! When she asked when we would return and we said maybe not until June, she replied "Esperando" {waiting}.We will be too, Sylvia, we will too.
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Singing at the House Dedication Photo Cred: +Kerrie Williams |
- Dedication of the Home. I was honored to get to read verses in Spanish and sing at the house dedication. I think the whole group would agree that this building trip was so special to all of us. The family was genuinely the most grateful I have ever seen. The oldest child, Grasiela [spelling?], went up to her new room earlier that day, fell to her knees, and just cried. She was so overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude. She said, "I never could have imagined this, only God..." We were all moved to tears for this family. Keep in mind, we only build four walls with an upstairs. No insulation, no plumbing, and no electricity and the family was so happy: they couldn't stop crying. Let's keep this in mind next time we complain about the nice homes we live in. We are blessed beyond belief.
And After...
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I couldn't have asked for a better group to serve with. Love you all!!
I couldn't have asked for a better group to serve with. Love you all!!

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