Monday, April 11, 2016

Approaching Milestones

The last few months have been packed with some amazing things, and the next few will include a lot of milestones and celebrations! 

Jonah began working as an EMT for two different companies and just recently started new hours that allow him to provide for us AND be more involved with me in Mexico! We know it may not be like this forever, but are blessed to have this time together coming up on one year of marriage! 
Yes, in two weeks, we will celebrate our one year anniversary! 


In February, I attended the annual TMEA conference in San Antonio with Mom and some other members of the Countryman Family! While I'm only teaching a few classes here and there, I'm keeping up my professional development and always learning something new! I focused on learning new strategies for inclusion and classroom management. 
We also became Godparents to baby Mayella and had some friends come to Mexico for the day!

Last Summer Jonah and I went to Six Flags and ended up winning a cruise voucher! 
(spin the wheel, sit through the presentation: it's worth it!) While I thought it was fake and nothing would come of it, it wasn't, and we got to go on an early anniversary trip in March! We cruised out of Galveston to Cozumel, MX for a long weekend [unplugged] and completely relaxed! When we got back, we finished up our Deacon Class and were installed as Deacons in our church! It was such an honor to be selected as candidates and we are proud to serve a church that loves us so well! The rest of March was full of visitors from AL, a trip home for Easter and a high school Friend's wedding, and my first Mexico baby shower! There are another four women expecting that I know of! Bring on the babies!


On a more serious note, I also went to my first two funerals in Reynosa. One was a woman who had been battling cancer, and the other a 14 year old boyfriend of one of my girls who died in a car accident. Loss is never easy. While I didn't know the two very well, it's not easy to watch those you love hurting for their loved ones. Please continue to pray for these families.

In May, Laura will graduate from high school in the US, as will many others in Mexico this summer, there are SIX (yes six) Quinceañeras coming up and, I'm about to enter year two of the teenage girls' bible study

It's been an amazing year of ministry married to the love of my life. Through rough weeks, busy weeks, and great weeks, God is our strength. I look forward to year two of marriage and the adventure it will bring!